
Beach house ideas: 10 ways to get the look

Just what is it that makes beach houses feel like beach houses? We guide you through 10 ways to create that seaside feel.


1. Weatherboard wherever you can

The classic “beach shack” is just that because it’s made of weatherboard. Interiors, exteriors, wherever – just make sure you have at least a nod to the beloved weatherboard. Can work particularly well on interiors.

2. Vintage touches

Whether it’s framed 1950s advertisements or mint condition 1950s crockery, look for the odd vintage piece to create that yesteryear feel. Find an op shop and get lost in it…

3. Natural fabrics

Cotton, linen, woollen throws – a beach house needs plenty of natural fibres to throw round your shoulders after a day at the beach – or a hammock as in this amazing Barbados property rental.

4. Add stripes

Whether it’s a deckchair, a towel or drapes, stripes in a beach house never go astray. Think double colours only, though – with white and blue and white and red being the classic favourites.

5 A touch of blue!

It’s the colour of the sea, the sky, the swimming pool – it’s blue and any home referencing water in any way needs a suggestion of it. Try a bright blue framed picture, a soft blue accent wall or a muted collection of pastel blue-grey rugs.

6. Forget the shine

Just as you don’t want to bedazzle in colour, neither do you want to razzle dazzle with materials. Shiny chrome and marble bench tops simply aren’t needed in a classic beach house; think simple, matt materials instead.

7. Beach shell collection

Every beach house has the odd collection of sea shells dotted around it so to echo that create a seashell collection of your own. It can be unusual – use a giant shell as a doorstep or create a shell painting.

8. Wicker, wicker everywhere

Well maybe not everywhere but in a few spots, at least. An old rocking chair, a basket for blankets and throws, a knotted rug – at least one touch of wicker helps create a relaxed holiday feel.

9. Old sailor cliché

You know what I mean here: ropes, fishing nets, buoys, etc., the kind we saw way too much of in 1980s seafood restaurants. Definitely go for one – but keep it at that to avoid a kitsch look.

10. An easy, light palette

If you want a beach look, you want light, bright and plenty of white – up to a point. Because a key thing about beach houses is you don’t want to bedazzle people, you want to relax them! Hence a muted, low-key palette works well.

Article sourced from Light home Magazine – See more at: http://www.lighthome.com.au/green-living-blog/beach-house-ideas-10-ways-to-get-the-look?_opt_ck=6a766f90-f99b-11e2-a28a-0030487fb912&optify_r=EMAIL&optify_rd=LH+Oct+Newsletter#sthash.eHqE5aEt.dpuf

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