
The Best Brisbane Buyers Search Checklist for Residential Property

We’ve collated the best Brisbane buyers search checklist for you to conduct BEFORE you sign on the dotted line. Each search includes a link to the information & application page for you to get the ball rolling.

When purchasing new property, it’s important to do your research. By doing your research, you can have peace of mind in the knowledge that the property you are about to purchase won’t come complete with any unwanted hidden surprises.  Good luck and happy purchasing.

Brisbane Buyers Search Checklist for Residential Property

  1. 1. Current Title Search

    Includes information such as registered owner details, lessee, licensee, permittee, trustee (e.g. company, corporation or individual/s)

  2. 2. Registered Plan

    Registered Encumbrances, interests and administrative advices

  3. 3. Land Tax

    Applying for a clearance certificate will help protect you against paying the seller’s land tax.

  4. 4. QLD Transport and Main Roads 

    Current proposals, resumption information for roads, ports and rail.

  5. 5. Flood Search

    Whether the property has flooded and the level of the last flood

  6. 6. Rates Search 

    A current rates balance enquiry is generally undertaken to confirm the account balance just before settlement of a property transfer.

  7. 7. Town Planning Search

    Town planning information including zoning, use and future use.

  8. 8. Sewerage, stormwater and drainage plan

    Position of sewerage, stormwater drains and drainage pipes.

  9. 9. QCAT Tree Register and minor civil dispute (fences) searches.

    Details of orders in relation to trees and fences on property under the Neighbourhood Disputes (Dividing Fences and Trees) Act 2011

  10. 10. Energex / Ergon 

    Check connection tariffs, guarantees and underground cables.

  11. 11. Telco Search 

    Major telecommuncation network cables, including optic fibre and whom they belong to .

  12. 12. Pool Safety Register

    Shows whether there is a pool on the land, current pool safety certificate or and/or a revocation notice for a pool safety certificate

  13. 13. Queensland Building and Construction Commission

    Details of insurance cover for the property

  14. 14. Heritage Search 

    Whether property is listed on heritage register or any heritage agreements in existence

  15. 15. Vegetation Protection Orders

    Whether vegetation on the property is protected vegetation or subject to an order

Please note : these are recommendations only. Calibre has tried to ensure the above information is as accurate as possible however we recommend that you do your research for yourself before purchasing any property.


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If you have a property in South East QLD that you would like to discuss with one of the team members at Calibre, then please feel free to call our office at (07) 3367 3411 or lodge a request for a “Property Appraisal” on our website.

191 Musgrave Road,
Red Hill QLD 4059

07 3367 3411