A unique window of opportunity has opened for Brisbane- one which Council is determined to seize through the Brisbane Economic Development Plan 2012-2031.
Boosted by the rapid expansion of the global resource industry and growing links with Asia, Brisbane’s economy is expected to almost double, to reach $217 billion by 2031, bringing with it hope, confidence and opportunity for residents and local business.
To capitalise on this forecast growth and ensure the city’s continued economic prosperity, the Brisbane Economic Development Plan 2012-2031 sets out the priorities and actions required to support Brisbane’s economic development to 2031 and meet a number of significant challenges.
These include ensuring the city can accommodate an additional 343,000 workers by 2021, develop more hotels, attract major events, develop the digital economy and build relationships with Asia.
In taking up the recommendations of the Lord Mayor’s Economic Development Steering Committee, the plan confirms Council’s commitment to working closely with the business community, education industry and other stakeholders to build a successful and prosperous city.
To view the Brisbane Economic Development Plan 2012-2031 visit www.brisbane.qld.gov.au or for more information phone 3403 8888.