
DIY : How To Clean Your Gutters The Safe Way

clean your guttersSometimes, storms in South East Queensland are so ferocious they can have us hiding underneath the dining table, clinging onto our loved ones for dear life wondering when this fury is finally going to end. And then, like the flick of a switch it’s gone, there’s a smell of fresh rain in the air and the calm ‘after’ the storm officially kicks in. The adrenaline engulfs us from the amazement of what has just been. For most, we are overcome with the sheer relief that we managed to escape completely unscathed. But sometimes, mother nature isn’t so kind and leaves us with a nasty clean up job in its aftermath.

For us Brisbane locals, that all sounds too familiar. We know what terrible mess and chaos a storm can cause. So, we need to be sensible and ensure our homes are well prepared.

One of the many things at the top of the list to prepare your home for storm season is to clean your gutters. So, if you’re thinking about donning the gloves and climbing your way up the ladder then good on you!

Hindmarsh Roofing tells us that “Overflowing gutters indicate that there is a serious problem with your water management system. Gutters that have a build-up of debris with leaf matter, dirt and organic growth will lose a large amount of their water carrying capacity causing them to overflow. Overflowing gutters can lead to flooded ceilings, damaged roof timbers, saturation of the internal walls and damage to the buildings foundations, which can result in some serious structural damage.”

Our expert handyman Ash from Ashley’s Maintenance Services has come on board to share with us his top 7 tips to clean your gutters; the safe way!

DIY : How To Clean Your Gutters The Safe Way

  1. 1. Look Up Before You Climb Up!

    Your safety is the most important thing. So, before you go scurrying your way up your trusty ladder be sure to check for overhead powerlines first.

  2. 2. Choose Your Timing Wisely

    Ash always checks the local weather forecast before starting. He typically finds that the mornings are a better time to clean your gutters than the afternoon as it is typically less windy.

  3. 3. Have Someone Else With You

    If you can have someone else there to hold the ladder for you, that would be ideal. At least have someone at home on call in case you do need some assistance from up above.

  4. 4. Clean From The Ladder – Not The Roof

    You’re more stable on the ladder than you are trying to clean the gutters from the roof. Just clean the area within your reach from the ladder then move the ladder to your next spot. This is a much safer option than standing on the roof.

  5. 5. Get The Right Tools For The Job

    Ash tells us that this Cyclone Gutter Cleaner from Bunnings is the best tool for the job and will make your life a lot easier. Also, a pair of gloves and a lightweight bag for you to put all of the leaves & debris into. You can then reuse these leaves as mulch on your garden.

  6. 6. Clean Your Gutters Right Before It Rains

    Once again, check the forecast and try to clean the gutters the day before rainfall is predicted. The rain will help to wash away an excess leaves etc that you couldn’t quite get to.

  7. 7. Check Your Pipes

    While you’re up there, have a look down your drainpipes to make sure they’re clean too. Clogged drainpipes will give you no end of dramas. If they are clogged, stick your hose down them to flush them out.


Quote provided by Ash from Ashley’s Maintenance Services
Ashley Thain
0418 840 808

If you’re Brisbane based, we highly recommend that you sign up for the Brisbane City Council’s Early Warning Alert Service.  This service “provides free early warning alerts for Brisbane residents and visitors. The alert service, powered by Weatherzone, is intended to provide advance warning of severe weather or other public safety events to help prepare and protect people and property.

If you’d like some more handy tips about DIY jobs around your home, have a look at these articles :

If you have a property in South East QLD that you would like to discuss with one of the team members at Calibre, then please feel free to call our office at (07) 3367 3411 or lodge a request for a “Property Appraisal” on our website.

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