
Grow Your Christmas Menu

It’s a great feeling being able to use your own produce when cooking. With Christmas fast approaching why not create an urban farm providing fresh, organic produce for your dining table this year.

You will need fast growing plants that tolerate the warmer weather, some tasty options include:










Select a sunny spot in your garden. We recommend using raised garden beds, a much quicker alternative there is no digging or weeding required. Hardware stores have pre-made garden beds, or collect pallets for a cheaper, and trendy alternative (add wheels for the ultimate, portable herb garden!)













Use good quality soil to build up your herb garden. Jackie French suggests using slow release fertiliser pellets and water crystals, perfect options for busy people who don’t have the time to constantly attend to their garden.

When selecting your herbs and vegies, we would suggest choosing more mature seedlings, to ensure they are ready to harvest at Christmas.

Plant 10-15cm apart, water, and wait! Your herbs and vegies will spring up in no time and your guests with thank you for it.



Over the next month we will be featuring Christmas recipes specifically designed around these herbs and vegetables so that you can use and enjoy your new additions. Visit calibrerealesate.com.au/news



And if you fall in love with your new garden, keep it blooming all year with Jackie French’s garden calendar: www.jackiefrench.com/cal.html


191 Musgrave Road,
Red Hill QLD 4059

07 3367 3411