
How to Be The Winning Buyer In A Multiple Offer Situation

Are you in the process of trying to buy a property and been advised that you are buying in a multiple offer situation? Well, there are 6 vital facts you should know.

First things first though, let’s get you up to speed with what exactly defines a “Multiple Offer Situation”. We looked at what The Real Estate Institute of Queensland defines as a Multiple Offer Situation. “A multiple offer (or multi offer) occurs when more than one prospective buyer makes an offer on the same property by submitting a Contract of Sale. A Multiple offer often happen in a seller’s market when competition for residential property is greatest. It also typically happens when there are more buyers than there are properties for sale.”

Here’s some great advice from one of Calibre Real Estate’s leading property specialists. “Prudent agents will never keep any of their buyers in the dark about the status of their offer. If you are ever unsure about where you stand, don’t be afraid to ask questions.”

The 6 Vital Facts you should know to be the successful buyer in a Multiple Offer Situation

1. Officially Acknowledged

In a Multiple Offer Situation, the real estate agent must ensure all buyers sign a “Acknowledgement of Multiple Offers – Buyer” Form.
The Real Estate Agent must make all buyers aware that there is another offer to purchase existing on the property. You must sign this document to acknowledge that you have been advised to submit your best &  final offer. You also need to beware that you may not have an opportunity to make a further offer.

2. Deceit-Free Zone

An agent can not mislead or deceive buyers. By telling them there are competing offers when there are not. Heavy penalties can occur if an agent is caught out.

3. Submit ALL Offers

Real estate agents have an obligation under the Property Occupations Act 2014 to submit all offers that comply with the seller’s instructions to the agent. Exceptions occur when, for example, the seller instructs their agent not to submit offers under a certain dollar figure.

4. Obligations

Agents also have a statutory obligation to attempt to get the highest possible price for the seller.

5. T’s & C’s

Buyers should also be aware that sellers will examine all the terms and conditions of each offer before deciding to accept or reject any particular offer. The conditions can make certain offers more attractive for reasons other than the proposed price alone.

6. Conditional vs Unconditional

Some sellers may be prepared to accept a lower price if the offer is unconditional. Rather than take the risk that a higher offer may not proceed to settlement, because of the special conditions required by a buyer.

If the owner decides not to accept any offers, the property may go to auction. For professional tips on how to buy at Auction, click here.

Justin Hagen
0401 856 161

Furthermore, here are some other articles about purchasing property that other readers have found helpful :

To speak to an agent about buying under a multiple offer situation, please feel free to contact Justin Hagen on 0401 856 161 or to search properties currently for sale then visit the Search Properties page on our website.

property investor multi offer situation

191 Musgrave Road,
Red Hill QLD 4059

07 3367 3411