Blog from Amelia Lee, The architect behind Undercover Architect:
I’ve helped a lot of people create and build new homes.
I’ve also had a lot of people ask me for a quote to help, and then take another route because they thought I was too expensive, or “not the right fit”.
And I’ve had countless conversations at BBQs, the school gate, park picnics and parties, being asked for free advice about the latest renovation drama, house building, or design problem someone has been having with their home.
A girlfriend who’s a doctor says that she’s started lying about what she does for a living when she meets people so she doesn’t get asked to diagnose their latest ailment then and there … and I find the same urge about telling people I’m an architect.
I really do understand how overwhelming it can be when thinking about how you will build or renovate your home. You’re not sure where to start, the best way to do it, how much things will cost, who to trust, or really where to turn? There are big decisions involved and usually, big costs. It can be confusing and stressful, even though it’s exciting and an adventure. So sometimes you’re desperate for help wherever you can get it.
And if it wouldn’t make party conversation so awkward, these are the things I’d ACTUALLY tell these people hoping for a bit of free advice to set them on their way to creating the house of their dreams. I’m on a mission this morning. Quite fired up about it actually. So here it is – the top 5 mistakes I see people make when creating and building or renovating their homes.
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