
Trees for Mothers



IMG_4385Trees for Mum is a series of Mother’s Day memorial tree-planting events, originally created for members of the community whose mothers had passed away.  The events have since evolved into celebratory tree planting events for all mothers and take place annually on Mother’s Day. The program which started as a small event in 2002 has grown into a national occasion with participants around Australia planting trees on Mother’s Day.   In 2012, through a partnership with  Landcare Australia the program has rapidly expanded. On Sunday, Calibre was busy planting over 60 native trees in The Gap and we would like to say a big thank you to all of those who helped. We are excited to participate again next year, and hope to help the initiative grow and spread through South East Queensland.






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191 Musgrave Road,
Red Hill QLD 4059

07 3367 3411