
Zoning – what is it & how to use it in your home


You may not have heard of zoning, but it’s a common term used to describe how we organise and arrange our homes, according to how we use them – and it can be a lifesaver.


The modern home is used for many different purposes, all requiring very different items, objects and atmosphere.

Zoning is mapping your home against those different purposes, then constructing and maintaining that space to that map. Some areas might be pretty straightforward (the kitchen, for example), but others could host multiple purposes and functions, and need to be carved up smartly and realistically.

Once you have areas defined, it means placing of items for a particular task where they are needed and will be used. This means you’re not always placing like and like together, but putting your stuff in places aligned with how you actually use it.

Zoning increases the chances of you replacing the item to where it belongs once you have finished with it, having to use little effort and thought.

It’s an essential key to fighting clutter and feeling like you are continually cleaning up at your home.


How does zoning work?

Its a law of physics –  the path of least resistance. In physics, the path of least resistance is always taken by objects moving through a system. For example, water flowing downhill follows the path of least resistance as it is pulled downward by gravity or electricity passing through a circuit.

As humans we are no exception to the rule; in most cases when faced with a task we will choose the path of least resistance and hence the path that takes us the least effort and time.



Zoning items in our home  provides the path of least resistance and greatly increases our chances of returning an item to where it belongs and avoiding it becoming clutter.

Tell me where your tooth brush routinely ends up.

Do you find yourself constantly finding it around all different areas of the house and having to take it back to where it “lives”?

Every client I have ever worked with replies no to this question. Why? Because in 99% of cases the tooth brush is stored right next to where it is used and hence putting it away is not an effort or a bother.

Lets imagine that you decided to store your toothbrush beside your bed rather than in the bathroom. I guarantee you’ll be finding your toothbrush (in the bathroom) and having to return it to the place you have chosen to store it, because you haven’t zoned the tooth brush correctly.


Zoning checklist for your home

To help you determine the correct location for many of your items, I’ve created a function and zone list of questions below. Use these for every item you are replacing and make sure it is zoned correctly for its function.

Working through these is a great start to zoning well:

  1. What is the function of the item?
  2. What task do I use it during?
  3. Where do I complete this task?
  4. How can this item be stored in the same area?


Article Sourced from realestate.com by Naomi Findlay:





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Red Hill QLD 4059

07 3367 3411