Renting need not be a barrier to a truly sustainable lifestyle, as one New Farm family can attest.
Roman Spur says having a landlord who was open to the concept had meant he and wife Jana could transform the bare backyard of their rented unit, one in a block of five, into a thriving organic food garden.
The couple are from the same town in Czech Republic but only met when they were both living in the UK. They moved to Australia five years ago.
“We were brought up with gardens like this,” Mr Spur says, “but when we got to this vast beautiful land we realised that Queensland is just brilliant for growing food all year around.”
“Even in summer we produce a huge amount of food and the excess we share with our friends and neighbours.”
He said the benefits had flowed on to the landlord, with any unit vacancies quickly filled since the garden emerged.
The couple, who have a toddler daughter, Lada, also keep laying hens in the back yard, and a bee hive that produced 160kg of honey last spring/summer.
Their sustainable lifestyle extends to reduced energy consumption that is a fraction of the average Australian household, a solar hot water system made from recycled items, rain water harvesting and solar cooking.
The couple will share their green ideas and creations at 4/242 Kent St, New Farm, from 10am-4pm this Sunday as part of Sustainable House Day.
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