
New Floodplain Mapping for QLD


The largest floodplain mapping initiative in the State’s history – built on the latest technology and supported by both new and historic data – is under way, according to Premier and Minister for Reconstruction Anna Bligh.

“This initiative brings together, for the first time, an option for councils which strengthens the connection between land use planning and flood plain management,” Ms Bligh said.

“This is a new broader approach to floodplain mapping developed on a whole-of-catchment view rather than council by council.”

“As we know our river systems do not stop at local government boundaries.”

The report includes an interim mapping product and development controls that councils can consider for existing planning schemes.

The objectives of the toolkit are to:

·         Promote better understanding of floodplains and how to manage them;

·         Promote greater correlation between floodplain management and land use planning;

·         Provide councils with a series of criteria that can be quickly adopted to help with the assessment of potential development sites;

·         Ensure more appropriate building designs in floodplain constructions.

The new floodplain maps have been added to the Queensland Reconstruction Authority’s ‘flood check’ interactive map and can be viewed at www.qld.gov.au/floodcheck

Source : REIQ Journal (November 2011)

191 Musgrave Road,
Red Hill QLD 4059

07 3367 3411