
3 Clever Ways That Will Save You Money On Big-Ticket Household Items

When you purchase a new home, it’s important to also budget for kitting out your new house or apartment with big-ticket household items such as furniture and white-goods. These items can add up really quickly so it’s important to try and save money on household items wherever possible. If you haven’t incorporated them into your budget then they can be quite an unexpected shock to your back pocket. We’ve prepared for you our tips that’ll save you money on those household essentials.

Calibre Sales Agent, Marlene Baker, shares with us her top tip for saving money on the big-ticket household items “I always encourage purchasing classic items and then sprucing them up with modern accessories. Great classic household items worth considering are couches, dining tables, bedside tables and a TV unit. Lovely modern accessories such as plants, mirrors & artwork, throws & cushions and fresh flowers. Each of these items should be a reflection of you and the space you’d like to call home.”

3 Clever Ways to save money on the big-ticket household items:

  1. 1.Pre-Loved Goods

    Consider being open minded about buying second hand items. They could save you a lot of money! Preloved sales websites such as Gumtree and local Facebook groups are an excellent place to start. You could even consider second hand shops and/or garage sales to snag yourself a bargain. Ideal items are those that don’t necessarily show a lot of wear and tear such as tables, chairs and bed frames. You can still add your own personal touch to them to style your home. Buying these items second hand really could save you big dollars!!!

  2. 2.Don’t Pay The Asking Price

    Don’t be afraid to negotiate. Good retailers will happily enter into negotiations with you in order to seal the deal. Generally, most retailers will price match (or even beat) their competitors advertisements when selling comparable products. So, before you walk into the shop, DO YOUR RESEARCH! Have in your mind what you want to buy and how much you’re willing to pay for it. Typically if you were to purchase multiple items from one store then the retailer will be more inclined to offer bigger discounts.

  3. 3.Interest Free Shopping

    You can purchase items, such as whitegoods and furniture, with interest free payment plans from such retailers as Harvey Norman and The Good Guys. This means that you can take the goods home with you that day and can have anywhere from 12 – 36 months to pay it off without any interest payable. Be careful though! If you don’t pay it off within the designated interest free timeframe, you can be stung with really high interest rates thereafter. But, for the astute bill payer, it can work really well!


For other clever ways to save money in your home, check out these articles :

If you have a property in Brisbane that you would like discuss, please feel free to contact Calibre Real Estate (07) 3367 3411  or lodge a request for a “Property Appraisal” on our website.

household items value adding improvements

191 Musgrave Road,
Red Hill QLD 4059

07 3367 3411