
How to Run A Successful Garage Sale and Make Money

Hosting a successful garage sale is an excellent way to clear out any unwanted goods. Regardless of whether you are selling your home or just spring cleaning, garage sales are a great way to declutter.

“If you are planning on selling your property, decluttering your home can make a massive difference when the time does come to put your house on the market. Less clutter makes your property present better to any potential buyers.” says Marlene Baker, one of Calibre Real Estate’s top residential Sales Agent.

In order to help you plan a successful Garage Sale, we’ve put together the Top 3 Must Do’s that’ll help to ensure you have a successful (and super lucrative) Garage Sale.

Top 3 Tips to Run A Successful Garage Sale and Make Money

  1. 1. Choose Your Time & Date Wisely

    Make sure that the date will not conflict with holidays or special events that compete for attendance. Saturday is both the traditional and best day since many people spend Sunday relaxing with family. The sale should start in the morning around 7-8am.

    A TIP FROM CALIBRE: We hear of stories of people ‘invading’ your property from 5am. Ensure your advertisement and signage states ‘NOT BEFORE 7AM’ and consider only putting your street name and not number on all advertisements.

  2. 2. Shout It From The Rooftops

    It is important to advertise your garage sale in order to attract buyers. Using online garage sale sites such as egaragesales.com.au and gumtree.com.au, an ad in your local paper, street signs and community notice boards are a great and economical way to advertise. Your advertisement should be short and to the point. Give the address and hours of the sale. If you will be selling any unusual items of interest you should definitely mention those too.

  3. 3. Signage, Signage, Signage

    Putting up garage sale signs around your neighbourhood is another useful tool for advertising your sale. Signs do not have to be elaborate or fancy. Include the address and time of sale. If there is room, you can list some of the items that will be sold. Be sure to put the signs up in your surrounding neighbourhood, within a 2km or so radius. Remember – please take your signs down after the sale!
    Note: Check with your local council to see if there are restrictions on Garage Sale signs. For example, some neighbourhoods only allow freestanding Garage Sale signs. Those attached to street signs may get torn down by the local authorities or incur a fine.


Quote provided by Calibre Real Estate’s Residential Property Specialist –
Marlene Baker
0423 799 727


If you are preparing your property for sale, you might find these other articles helpful –

If you have a property in South East QLD that you would like to discuss with one of the team members at Calibre, then please feel free to call our office at (07) 3367 3411 or lodge a request for a “Property Appraisal” on our website.

By following these three simple steps for a successful Garage Sale and you’ll be decluttered in no time.

How to run a successful garage sale

191 Musgrave Road,
Red Hill QLD 4059

07 3367 3411