
Know Your Buyer : The 7 Profiles of Property Buyer Demographics

Do you know who is most likely to buy your property? Identifying target buyer demographics is imperative. By understanding exactly what ticks their boxes, you can ensure your property appeals and caters exactly for their needs. This is key to the success of the sale of your place, if you want to achieve top dollar that is. And, who doesn’t want to achieve top dollar?!

The 7 Property Buyer Demographics :

1. The First Home Buyer

Top 3 Property Attributes for A First Home Buyer

1. Backyard space for a pet

2. Enough space that I could rent a room or 2 to friends (maybe a 3 bed place)

3. In an area that is set for growth


2. The Younger Family (with kids aged under 10 years)

Top 3 Property Attributes for a Young Family

1. A great backyard & outdoor space where the kids can run and play.

2. A lovely, relaxing leafy outlook to enjoy a peaceful Saturday afternoon drink.

3. Room to grow. Our kids won’t be 2 & 4 forever. We’d prefer somewhere our family could grow with the house.


3. The Older Family (with kids aged 10+ years)

Top 3 Property Attributes for an Older Family (kids aged 10+ years)

1. Location. Within walking distance to most amenities and in a good high school catchment area.

2. A Low-Maintenance New Build Townhouse in a gated community.

3. Value for money with great use of space both internally & externally.


4. The Professional Couples

Top 3 Property Attributes for a Young, Professional Couple

1. Significant Capital Growth Potential

2. Affordability.

3. Location


5. The Astute Investors

 Top 3 Property Attributes for The Astute Investor

1. Great Return On Investment

2. Good Capital Growth

3. Potential to Value Add


6.Gen X & Baby Boomer Single Income Earners

Top 3 Property Attributes for Gen X & Baby Boomer Single Income Earners

1. Low Maintenance

2. Affordability

3. Convenient Location.


7. Empty Nesters & Retirees

Top 3 Property Attributes for Empty Nesters
1. Private and quiet location.

2. Low maintenance on one level preferably.

3. Have space for family to visit.

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191 Musgrave Road,
Red Hill QLD 4059

07 3367 3411