
Landlord’s Guide to Ensuring Pool Safety in an Investment Property

Do you own an investment property with a pool? If that’s the case, it’s important to get a full understanding of who is responsible for the pool when it comes to pool safety in an investment property.

In An Investment Property, Who Is Responsible For The pool?

The pool owner is generally the owner of the property. The owner of the property is responsible for ensuring their pool safety barrier is compliant. Tenants are responsible for ensuring that the gate is kept closed and that there are not any objects that would allow children to access the pool.

Calibre’s Principal, Alice Hagen, has managed dozens of properties with pools over the years. Alice shares with us her top tips for pool safety in an investment property.

Top Tips For Landlords : Pool Safety in an Investment Property

  1. 1. Don’t plant any trees or greenery adjacent to the fence-line of the pool. While it may not be a safety hazard right now, they can grow to become a safety hazard over time.
  2. 2. Long grass growing near the gateway can cause the gate to not shut properly. Alice recommends that you, the landlord, consider laying pavers around the entrance of the pool fence. This way, the gate won’t be obstructed by the grass and will always close properly.
  3. 3. Always double check that the gate’s latch, hinges and self-closing functionality is in good, working order.


If you sell or lease a property you own, you are required to obtain a pool safety certificate, for more information visit The Brisbane City Council’s Swimming Pool Fencing & Safety Obligations.

If you’d like some more handy investment tips, have a look at these articles :

If you have a property in South East QLD that you would like to discuss with one of the team members at Calibre, then please feel free to call our office at (07) 3367 3411 or lodge a request for a “Property Appraisal” on our website.




191 Musgrave Road,
Red Hill QLD 4059

07 3367 3411